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The most essential component of the2020plan is the vision. Do you think our country has a clear vision for our future? Do you think it has a direction or a goal?
We have none of the above because we can’t see outside of our little bubble. Yet on the other side of our plastic capsule are endless opportunities just waiting for us in a global population 23 times the size of our own. Looking outside our field of vision for opportunities is just common sense.
Every corner pizzeria in America understands this basic concept. They know the markets in their neighborhoods are limited – so to compete they expand by offering delivery. But our elected leaders seem to think the world stops at our borders. When you combine this lack of vision with the dense fog of politics you know why they can’t solve any of our problems.
Think of our problems as a jigsaw puzzle. Each one has a different shape. Our government opens the box and spreads out. Then what? Nothing. Why? Because there’s no picture on the box to even let them know what they’re supposed to do. This blank void spotlights their lack of vision. And until there’s a picture on that box these pieces are just going to keep being reshuffled on the table.
The2020plan offers that vision. It siphons out the politics and paints a detailed picture that gives us clear directions and achievable goals. And it includes the plan and the tools to put it together.
The vision is – that if we will step up and take the world lead in addressing imperative global issues it will fundamentally restructure our economy. And with that we can adequately focus on our domestic issues.
Like the puzzle, the first thing the vision does is create the outer framework. This defines the space for everything to fit inside. And as these pieces are assembled the picture becomes clearer and clearer.
As the vision emerges we can now create: priorities, policies and goals for all our domestic and global agendas. We can develop long term plans that will all point in the same direction. And we can focus our energies on solutions rather than arguments.
Without a roadmap all we get is gridlock with a lot honking and shouting. The2020plan is like a virtual interstate system that moves us quickly and efficiently to all our goals. And in short time it’ll be taken for granted as just the way things should be.
By following our vision to apply cutting edge solutions to fundamental human needs we can create a permanent direction for our future. So we have a choice. Do we want to stay stuck in gridlock or do we want to get on the highway to our future? A global vision is the key to our future.