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What’s a more important holiday to our country, Black Friday or earth day? The answer speaks volumes about our focus and priorities. The 2020plan will change the focus on the environment from an afterthought to a forethought. There is nothing more important to our future.

Every basic activity we undertake is impacted by the environment. The food we eat, water we drink and the energy we use are all directly connected to changes in the environment. Not to mention the impact of the environment on naturally occurring disasters.

But there is also the human connection to the environment. Where do you go if you get stressed, need inspiration or just time to think? Is it a park, the beach, the mountains? No matter where it’s undoubtedly a natural setting. Why do you think that is? There is something so fundamental in our DNA about being in natural setting – that allows us to reach a state of peace and tranquility. And yet how have we been showing our appreciation for this most fundamental gift that we’ve inherited?

Is oxygen a political issue? Is it only there for certain people? How about clean water? The point is that politics should have nothing to do with the allegiance we owe to our environment. And while we’re fortunate enough that the2020plan is able to reach outside of our bubble to address our economy, we don’t have that luxury with our environment. This is a closed system and everything is interconnected.

The planet is warming, the sea levels are rising and carbon dioxide is increasing. If a person has lung cancer, you can argue the cause but it doesn’t remove the cancer. Same as in or environment, doubting the causes don’t make the effects go away.

The2020plan looks at all environmental issues from many directions. These include: conservation, prevention, avoidance, preparation, mitigation and implementation. Extreme weather will be an increasing phenomena and sea level rise will create enormous global issues. Pollution of all forms will be a significant issue as populations increase and economies develop. Regardless of the causes, we need to be prepared to mitigate the damages and prepare longer term solutions. As a world leader this is as much an obligation as an opportunity.

The 2020 plan makes the pledge that the United States will become the world leader in providing resources for environmental needs. This means developing: solutions, strategies, products and services to protect not just our environment but the people who inhabit it. Undoubtedly these solutions will be anchored in technology but the focus will change from controlling the environment to partnering with it.

Admittedly, getting all nations to commit hard resources to addressing the imperative issues of climate change is a complicated task. But we need to lead the world by example. And no matter what, all nations will need to deal with the effects of climate change that will require substantial core4 goods and services. Unfortunately, some environmental issues will take many decades to adequately address. But not to sound cynical, under the 2020plan that will be good for business. Who would think that protecting the environment could champion the next era for our economy?

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