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Many ask what are the 2020plans positions on social issues? The 2020 plan fully supports all our domestic programs but takes no political positions.
Too many times we see politics use social programs to hold non- political ideas hostage in order to advance their agendas. The2020plan won’t allow that to happen. It isolates those issues so they won’t interfere with the plan.
However, the plan significantly improves all our social programs in two ways. First, the plan is based on the premise that in order for our country to effectively deal with our social issues we need to have a healthy and stable economy. And second it provides a framework from which the social programs can focus their vision.
Let’s start with the second idea. In order to effectively deal with our social issues these programs need a cohesive long term plan? They have to know what they’re dealing with. Over the last 20 years, our social programs have become political footballs that get tossed back and forth with little direction. They have been guided by politics, knee jerk reactions and lack of vision. These domestic programs need to take the 2020 methodology to create a long term vision into which a plan can be defined. Then the short term needs can be fit into the plan. Not the other way around.
Did you ever notice how couples fight more when the money gets tight? Well our country does the same thing. When every decision becomes a zero sum game. A or B. Taxes or Spending. Education or defense. It polarizes the system to a point of stagnation. How can a couple struggling to the pay rent effectively plan for their kid’s future college costs? They can’t. Well then how can our government mired in a slow economy make a realistic vision for our social programs?
This is why the 2020 plan is focused on the economy. Because it is only with a healthy economy that we will ever get passed this gridlock and make effective improvements in our social programs. A healthy economy not only produces more jobs but also increases total tax revenue which improves the situations from both directions. A healthy economy also changes the goals and functions of many of the programs. In a poorly functioning economy, unfortunately we need more jails and drug treatment centers. In a highly functioning economy we can use those resources for education and job training. In a poorly functioning economy there’s pressure to reduce immigration. In a highly functioning economy there’s pressure to increase immigration. Of course we need a safety net to support those who need it most but that’s not a long term solution. Ask just about any struggling person would they rather have a relief check or a good job and the overwhelming majority would pick the job. We need our social programs to take a long term vision in developing their plans. The2020 plan structurally improves our economy on a permanent basis so that the prosperity can reach all the rungs on the ladder including the bottom rungs that always seem to be left out.
This will not happen overnight. These programs are complex and deeply rooted. But have you ever tried to put together a big jigsaw puzzle? It usually feels daunting to start. The 2020 plan provides the outer edge that defines the shape and provides the framework for all the pieces to fit inside. It gives us the opportunity to deal with our social programs from a higher vantage point and use them as an engine to improve the lives of those who need it the most. If the 2020 plan had to be described in one word it would be opportunity. Amazing things happen with opportunity and this should be the goals of all our social programs.