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Here’s something you’ll never hear from a small business owner: That’s not my department. Small business owners know they are 100% responsible for everything. Unlike big corporations and government they can’t defer responsibility and they definitely can’t blame scape goats. When we refer to small business we are referring small and mid-size firms that have the agility and responsiveness to decipher opportunities and adapt quickly.

Their acceptance of responsibility and their ingenuity to succeed are the key ingredients that make these businesses the engine to our economy. We count on them to create jobs and propel our growth. And we count on them for ingenuity and technological breakthroughs.

While big business is inherently involved with all our daily lives they are disconnected from the pain of failure that keeps small and mid- size businesses constantly innovating to survive. This is why small businesses and technology are uniquely prepared to be the driving engines of the 2020 plan. Only small business owners have a zoom lens that can immediately switch focus from the broad vision down to every detail in production or service.

The 2020plan recognizes these unique qualities and rewards them with a program that’s more powerful than anything they have seen in decades. Unlike the pivoting messages our government has been giving business over the past decades using a carrot and a stick, the2020plan opens a whole new hayfield.Through IDOC, the new international department of commerce, small business will have a direct pipeline to unlimited global opportunities. They will now be connected to a population 23 times larger than our own. If you’re a small business owner you can imagine the impact of this enormous opportunity.

Overall, it’s impossible to guess and even more impossible to calculate how many unforeseen inventions and discoveries will be made as a result.So many of our greatest discoveries have come as bi products from focusing on another effort.

And the private funding that will arrive at the doorsteps of innovative companies will be unprecedented. The2020plan’s commitment to long term goals give the investment community the stability they thrive on. The potential of creating solutions to worldwide issues will be incredibly alluring to investors. And being able to diversify in a multitude of platforms lowers risks which in turn lowers borrowing costs.

American small business is an incredibly powerful engine and one of our most enviable natural resources. The2020 plan doesn’t just give small business a wink and some lip service it gives it a bear hug and enormous opportunity.

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