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The reason for almost all of our imperative global and domestic issues are from unintended consequences from some other actions. Climate change is the perfect example. But also the fundamental disparity we are seeing in our economy is an unintended consequence from technology.

Hind sight is 2020 and our plan looks forward. But it moves forward acutely aware of the concept of side effects. One of the principles in the core4 programs are to offer sustainable solutions in all categories that eliminate or minimize unwanted side effects.

When scrutinizing the2020plan, we have found dozens of side effects, all positive. Most resulting as consequences from a healthier economy and a healthier planet. But it can’t even anticipate the unforeseen benefits of avoiding major issues that we will never know about. And that is at the core of the 2020plan.

Here’s a good test to see how the2020plan penetrates many issues. Take a reputable newspaper – none that have headlines about a zombie apocalypse – and summarize as many articles that you want. Read them in context if the2020plan was being actively engaged and see how many would be impacted from the plan. Think about how reassuring it would be to know the next time your read an article about climate change or our anemic economy that at least we had a permanent plan and direction that was designed to address these issues.

The 2020plan is as fundamental as a tree that absorbs carbon dioxide and converts it into oxygen.In this case we take in imperative global issues and the byproduct is fundamentally improving our economy. It’s a natural and organic relationship that we have been without for too long.

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