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The 2020plan pledges to be the world leader in energy conservation and renewable energy. The growth factors in these fields are astronomical. As a practical matter we know that fossil fuels will be part of the world energy program for many decades. The2020plan is not designed to pick winners and losers in any industry but each will need to adapt to the realities facing them, Fossil fuels will be increasingly more difficult to extract with time. Economic theory shows us that minerals and fossil fuels that are easiest to access will be exploited first eventually they will no longer be feasible to extract. Fossil fuels will run out – and pure common sense tells us that if we don’t want our next generation to run headfirst into a brick wall we will need to have alternatives. Fossil based energy companies should make the same realization. And if they want to extend their shelf life they will need to figure a way to become the solution and not the problem in our future energy needs. And in the shorter term they will need to figure out much cleaner and safer ways of extracting and converting their products to energy.
And, regardless of your thoughts on the causes of climate change – fossil fuels pollute our planet. They pollute the air, the water and the ground. When you combine these facts with the fact that the world’s energy consumption will double in the next 50 years it becomes obvious that fossil fuels are not a viable long term energy solution.
With these undeniable truths the only responsible thing for the2020 plan to do is take the world leadership position in producing renewable energy.
Renewable energy comes in many forms. We’re all aware of solar and wind energy and their potential. But when it comes to solving the world’s energy needs – many nations are not suitable for these types of energy so other forms will need to be developed such as hydroelectric, bio mass and geo thermal energy.
Nuclear energy fits in between fossil fuels and renewables. It may play a role in the transition. But there is the very serious issues of the dangers and bi products. Like fossil fuels, if the nuclear energy industry wants a longer future it will need to develop alternative methods and precautions. And then there’s energy production methods still in development like fusion and energy storage programs and battery technology. The2020plan energy program will help every nation look at their anticipated energy needs to determine their best avenue to long term energy independence.
The energy program will also focus on conservation and efficiency. The industry of demand side management which focuses on efficiency will be a very important component of the energy plan. As the transition develops from fossil fuels to renewables, the demand for efficiency and conservation based products will move from an afterthought to a necessity.
By taking the lead in the sustainable energy category this will create unparalleled opportunities for the innovative small business and technology sectors. Creating energy solutions for 7 billion people may be the greatest opportunity our country has ever seen. The United States can be in the enviable position of being the leading provider of solutions to the world’s most demanded resource.