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The 2020 plan builds a powerful new machine that converts global issues into American opportunities.

The machine is propelled from the center and the: premise, the policies and the goals of the plan are all non-political.

But the plan does recognize that to succeed it must do so in a highly charged political atmosphere. We have seen that the only times many of our leaders will jointly embrace anything is at a time of crisis. This is the same reactive thinking that got us there in the first place. The2020plan is designed to get us ahead of that curve. The degree of its success will be hinged to whether it is engaged proactively or reactively. If done proactively, it will be like adding a turbocharger to a jet engine. And if done reactively, it’s more like adding a pacemaker that just keeps us limping along.

The plan adopts core principles from both political parties. It’s pro-business and pro-environment. And by engaging both principles the plan lubricates the process to un-cease the gridlock that has held our country hostage over the past few decades. The plan is realistic and doesn’t expect both parties to hold hands but it does give them a reason to shake hands on a new future.

Both parties can embrace its ideas without violating any of their core principles. It doesn’t ask anyone to abandon their political beliefs it just asks them to aspire to something a little higher.

In order for the 2020plan to succeed it eliminates the distractions and noise that comes from extreme ideologies on both sides. Currently, politics is like a seesaw balancing on a pencil. One tiny step to the right and left and everyone falls off. The 2020plan is designed with a concrete foundation supporting the middle. There’s room for almost everyone.

But it’s obvious the plan doesn’t aim for support from the political corners. It only wants supporters who prioritize our future over extreme agendas. In fact it sprays a lubricant on the plan that causes the extremists to slide off. So let me tell you who this plan is for and not for. If you believe climate change is not a priority than this plan is not for you. If you believe that capitalism is inherently bad then this plan is not for you. And if you believe that Government and business should not be a team then this plan is not for you. If you do believe that our future is more important than politics then this plan is for you. If you believe that we should retain the mantle of world leader then this plan is for you. And if you believe that America still has the spirit to come together then this plan is for you.

And once we remove those extreme voices and political rhetoric this is what we hear………………………….
That’s the sound of the political center.Now The2020plan can emerge and our leaders can focus on our future.

So those who want to make every single issue a political battle that’s your choice – but the2020plan won’t wait for you when it takes our country forward.

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