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The vision for the 2020 plan is based on observations made from far above the political fray. It looks beyond the horizon and observes that our future is inevitably linked to the world around us. And regardless of politics and scapegoats there’s no going back. Globally, it sees surmounting challenges and demands in the needs of core4 areas of: food and water, healthcare, renewable energy and the environment. And it sees a lack of focused leadership in addressing these issues including climate change, food production and basic healthcare.

Domestically, it views our economy as fundamentally flawed. By focusing inward and prioritizing consumption over production we cannot make significant growth. And it recognizes a growing bifurcation in our workplace between those employed in the modern economy and those who are not. This leads to a growing frustration that is building below ground. And the only two air vents are polar opposites that drive people to extreme political positions because there are no alternatives.

It observes our government’s lack of vision and reliance on tax and budget maneuvers to fix our economic problems. And it recognizes that our most unique natural resources of: our people, technology, innovation and small business are not being adequately empowered.

The2020plan plan unscrambles these observations and assembles them together into an orderly framework that illuminates our future. And that is that if we embrace our unique natural resources we can address complex global issues and convert them into American opportunities for both our economies.

By reaching outside of our bubble it shines a spotlight on the enormous opportunities waiting to be addressed around the world. The2020plan converts the vision into a plan and gives us the entire spectrum of success. From Vision to direction to framework. And by bridging the chasm between ideas and implementation it gives us the plan the tools and the results.

The2020plan refers to both the vision we need – and the timeline by which we must embrace our future.By siphoning out the political distractions it’s amazing how clear this vision becomes. It’s almost obvious.

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