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Thank goodness for non- profit organizations (NPO’s) and all the amazing work they do. But a core concept of the2020plan believes that if we are to adequately address the fundamental global issues that are in front of us we will need the combined and aligned efforts of: government, private industry and NPO’s.

The2020plan and its proposed new agency the IDOC will be designed to integrate with all nonprofit organizations. In a way, these organizations are already doing what IDOC proposes to do. But they are limited in resources and cohesiveness with our government’s efforts.

IDOC will have an NPO division that offers these organizations the same resources it offers for-profit businesses. In many cases the solutions will be co- developed by NPO’s and private business. This alignment and sharing of information is designed to create a momentous leap forward in the progress of creating solutions to complex global issues.

Many of the NPO’s already have a keen understanding of the needs and challenges that the world is facing but lack the resources to expedite solutions. Now through IDOC they will have access to the same home depot of sustainable global solutions that foreign nations will have.

By engaging NPO’s and aligning our resources to focus on imperative issues we can shorten the timelines in finding solutions to many complex global challenges. NPO’s will be an essential component to the success of the2020plan.

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