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The2020plan has all the ingredients for success. The last missing ingredient is leadership. And sadly for Americans, leadership has taken the backseat to politics.

Unfortunately, many politicians feel that having no ideas are safer than having bold ideas. Some use scapegoats and spread fear to distract us from the fact that they have no ideas. It’s our job to let them know we will not tolerate leaders who don’t have a plan. Not having a plan is like a fireman showing up to a fire without a hose. That’s their job! And our job is to let them know that no plan equals no vote. And we can’t allow them to hold important non- political programs hostage just so they can advance their political agendas. Not when we have so much at stake.

And our responsibility goes further. We can’t let them get away with slogans and rhetoric. If you or a loved one were very sick and went to the doctor. Would you be satisfied if he gave you a slogan as his diagnosis? Then why do we accept such brazen thoughtlessness from politicians? Our country is sick and we need a plan not a slogan. And a real plan not just empty talking points. The2020plan puts the diagnosis and the treatment right into our leader’s hands. It’s malpractice for them to ignore it.

And to our elected leaders: First of all, I owe many of you an apology. I don’t mean to throw you under the bus. We know that many of you are committed to doing the right things and have sacrificed to serve our country. Thank you. But if you wonder why we have low levels of confidence in government – consider these facts. You guys borrow money and never pay it back. 18 trillion so far. If we do that we go bankrupt. When you can’t borrow – you print money. If we did that we’d go to jail. And when you can’t agree on how to fix our problems you just go home and leave em with us. If we did that, we’d betray our families. This is the example you set for our country and this is why there is no trust.

The goal of the 2020plan is to promote a vision for our future that will open your eyes. To raise the level of debates from nonsense to substance. You’re invited to disagree with any aspect of the2020plan as long as long as you present a plan of your own. That’s all we ask.

The next time you debate your opponent if you’re armed with the2020plan that will be like having a tank to combat a guy with a bayonet. There’s no comparison. And if you come without a plan, that’s like showing up naked and believe me everyone will see.

So there’s only two choices when it comes to our future. Keep going nowhere or try something new.This plan is wrapped and ready and benefits everyone. What better legacy could you leave: your country, your family and your next generations?

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