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IDOC (part 2)

The requests for proposal will be broken into categories according to industry and its perspective such as Prevention, Preparation, mitigation, and response. Then IDOC will submit the proposals from our businesses to our global customers and they will negotiate directly with each other. IDOC will be available to provide specialized services such as translation, conferencing and technical resources to assist our business community. These services are designed to provide small business with the same resources that many large corporations have.

And IDOC will be designed to integrate with all nonprofit organizations. In a way, these organizations are already doing what IDOC proposes to do. But they are limited in resources and cohesiveness with our government’s efforts. IDOC will have a special NPO division that offers these organizations the same resources it offers profit motivated businesses. In many cases the solutions will be co- developed by NPO’s and private business. This sharing of information and opportunity is designed to create a momentous leap forward in the progress of creating solutions to complex global issues.

In addition to creating commerce opportunities, IDOC also creates a comfort level by removing hidden unknowns that prevent many small businesses from conducting global transactions. And as foreign customers and our business community get comfortable with IDOC, the exchange will flourish and become an essential resource for our customers. The goal is to make IDOC their default when addressing issues in the core4 areas.

IDOC is designed as an exchange. It’s not: a regulator, taxing authority, or income generating division of the government. It’s a customer service machine. IDOC will embody the premise that government is there to serve the people not the other way around. Its function is not to tell us what we can’t do – its function is to help us with what we can do. Its mission statement will require it to be a very flexible organization and constantly monitoring its practices and results. As times and needs change so will IDOC. It will always need to be at the fore front of technology and world trends.

As compared to other agencies, IDOC will be a low cost agency to operate. It can be phased in and its success can be easily monitored by measuring the revenue that it generates for our business community. Its cost will be recouped by increased tax revenues from the business it generates for our economy. A capture rate of just 1/10th of 1 percent of the world market in core4 sectors would create a breakeven for IDOC.This shows the potential leverage of this organization on the US economy.A modest capture rate of 2.5% of the world’s core4 market would boost our GNP over 5% to rates not seen in decades.

IDOC is a carefully crafted tool for the future and not an impulsive reaction to a crisis. It leverages our greatest resources to create incredible gains in our economy while addressing imperative global issues.But its success is hinged on starting it sooner than later. Proactive planning has a shelf life and we need to watch our expiration dates before the window of opportunity closes.

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