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HOW IT WORKS (part 2)

Technology and innovation will be at the core of all solutions being provided to our customers. And these industries will flourish from this monumental input of opportunities.

All funding will come entirely from the private sector. The investment that will be channeled into technology will be unprecedented. Investment will be empowered with the knowledge that our economy has finally embraced a steady long term direction. Business and investment is an incredibly powerful machine but recently, due to the lack of opportunities we have seen them seek to improve their profits at the expense of their customer’s needs and objectives. The2020plan opens an exponentially larger market than they have ever seen. And investment will be rewarded not just with profits but with the stability that it craves.

The 2020 plan doesn’t divert any resources from our economy – it only expands it. But it will take some time to build the external infrastructure of the program. During this period would be the opportune time to initiate a domestic infrastructure program that works with our own core4 needs. This would include: building electric grids, renewable energy platforms, dams, levies, seawalls and coastal flooding barriers. This gives us time to develop our core four industries while we prepare for our global debut. It also adds some adrenaline to our economy and gives it a way to become a launching pad to something larger.

An infrastructure program that isn’t tied to a larger vision is really just a form of social welfare. Once the work is done those jobs are over. The2020plan infrastructure program would be linked to the broader plan. Within a year or two we could scale the domestic programs globally and that growth will be unprecedented.

Our country will convert from a consumer to an exporter. We will be exporting our most unique natural resources: our people, technology, innovation and business development. And as we become an export nation we will have a much more equal footing in negotiating our trade agreements. We can only negotiate from a position of strength when we have the products that the customers want. As a buyer, we have no leverage.

Some may say that it’s cynical to improve our economy from another country’s problems but that is simply not true. Solving problems is what creates industries. The entire healthcare industry is based around solving health problems. The 2020 plan just expands that concept across numerous industries and on a global scale.

Who else is going to step up and deal with these imperative world issues? We are so fortunate to be in the position to claim this prize. Just a 1 percent share of the global economy will boost our economy by over 5%. A rate not seen in 30 years. Imagine what a 2% share could do for us. How else can we achieve such growth?

The2020plan can be described in 10 words. Engage our natural resources to create solutions to world problems. It starts with a clear vision and develops realistic ideas resulting in an achievable plan. So we have a choice, we can embrace the future or we can just keep doing what we’re doing – whatever that is.

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