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HOW IT WORKS (part 1)

The best analogy I can give for the 2020plan is peanut butter and jelly. Simple, a perfect fit and 100% American.Both are based on paring two unlikely ingredients to create an almost perfect partnership.

The ingredients are world issues and American business and the wonder bread holding them together is the2020plan.Here’s how it works.

This vision is based on several ideas. Foremost, the plan is founded on the concept that our government will open new global opportunities for American business. These will focus in the core4 areas of: healthcare, renewable energy, food and water technologies and the environment. These life blood sectors represent the largest share of all economies and their demands are expected to double over the next 30 years. Their roots dig into almost every business sector of our economy.

The 2020plan makes us the home depot to the world in providing solutions in these areas. The diverse set of goods and services in these categories are unlimited. And these areas are permanent fixtures which will release us from cyclical innovation and provide us with a permanent forward direction. And by expanding into markets with populations 23 times the size of our own this will lead our economy into the next century.

Consider this hypothetical scenario: a small High-Tec agricultural company in Texas develops an organic pesticide that repels evasive insects. But how does this company get this technology to the farming cooperative in Australia who really needs it? And how do those farmers find out about it? Here’s how.

At the heart of the2020plan is the establishment of a new government agency called IDOC, the International department of commerce. IDOC will be the marketplace that connects the buyer and seller. Think about the success of the virtual market concepts created by Amazon and Alibaba. Now imagine how easy it will be for that Australian farmer to hop on his smart phone and find solutions to his problems from that Texas engineering company. And now expand that vision to think about the diverse sets of issues IDOC will address in: increasing energy needs, water shortages, aging populations, livestock epidemics, sea level rise, droughts, pollution, housing shortages and a whole range of economic, environmental and healthcare issues to long too list. We will be the first stop the world makes in finding solutions to all these fundamental human needs. Some solutions will be as basic as Amazon’s one click solutions and other’s will be decade long research initiatives. Either way, by being the first and only player in this immense field we have no limitations.

In addition to establishing the market, IDOC will also act as a broker that actively sources these global opportunities and provides them directly to the marketplace. And further, IDOC will provide multiple facilitating functions designed to lubricate the entire process. IDOC’s primary goal is to help our business community create solutions to imperative global issues.

At the core of the 2020plan is the partnership between government and business. This relationship is like pairing two all-stars who haven’t played together in the past. But with common goals and clear incentives the results will be unprecedented. And now, responsible government can demand responsible business. We discuss IDOC in more detail in a separate segment, but as an overview it acts as the: catalyst, broker and marketplace that provides enormous global opportunities to our economy. And when you have what your buyer’s need you make yourself invaluable.

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