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It’s hard to believe that the average human life space varies by 36 years between the wealthiest nations and the poorest. 85 in Japan, 49 in Chad. This incredible disparity invokes a multitude of questions. And it also highlights the diverse healthcare needs of the world’s nations.

Regardless of a country’s average life span there are incredible worldwide opportunities to export the knowledge and services of our health care system. Think about how our hospitals are locked in battles for patients. Our entire healthcare system is based on the number of patients. The 2020 plan unlocks another 7 billion potential patients. It’s almost impossible to imagine.

And so much of what’s done today in healthcare can be done electronically from anywhere. From: prevention and diagnosis to consultation and medication. Even surgery. Our healthcare community needs to think in terms of exporting its services in the forms of virtual diagnostic clinics and hospitals

But the most immediate needs in healthcare are basic services often starting with education and prevention. Then inoculation and detection. And of course preventing and controlling outbreaks of epidemics and disease such as s such as Ebola, Sars and zika.

As the world becomes more connected these types of epidemics will occur much more often and the world will need steadfast monitoring of diseases in not only in humans but in crops and livestock.

Regardless of the debate about how our healthcare system should operate, there isn’t much debate about the terrific: quality, capability and ingenuity of our healthcare sector.

Obviously the mechanics of exporting health care services will be a complicated task but there is no doubt about the staggering potential. Think of the 2020plan as a virtual pipeline to the world. It will build the framework to allow our healthcare industry to be exported around the globe. Our healthcare system is a 3 trillion dollars sector can you image the potential on a global scale? This is the future of our healthcare system and it is unlimited.

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