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The2020plan hasn’t been created as a reaction to current events. The plan aims far ahead of current events to give us a direction that can bring us ahead of the curve. It is designed is to let current events come to the plan for solutions rather than chasing current events for the issues.

Short term news cycles, quarterly profit reporting and 2 year congressional terms make it almost impossible to implement a long term plan. While current event reporting is essential, we need responses that aren’t band aids or knee jerk reactions.

Reactions to current events are often driven more by emotion than thought. And most current events bring along a certain amount of pre-conceived agendas. The2020 plan is non-political and offers a program that everyone can embrace regardless of their differences on other issues.

The whole premise behind the2020plan is to anticipate global needs and get ahead of the issues. It’s designed as a proactive plan not as a reaction to any recent events.

The department of Homeland Security was an excellent concept but the problem was that we didn’t have it in place before 9/11. It was enacted as a reaction as opposed to a pro-action. This made it useless as a prevention and less effective as a reaction.

Unfortunately there will be more worldwide disasters both natural and manmade. Some may be avoidable and some may distract us from the fundamental issues that really need our focus. But regardless of current events the2020plan will always be relevant.

But wouldn’t it be a shame to wait to embrace the2020plan and end up having to use it as a go-bag for the next crisis?

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