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Just the word capitalism brings along a lot of pre-conceived emotions. So do the words: climate change, renewable energy, sustainable, monetizing and business regulation. The 2020plan removes all the connotations to these concepts and just applies a common sense approach to them.

The plan recognizes that capitalism and the buyer/seller dynamic will be the driving forces to solve many of the world’s biggest issues. Realistically, how else will they ever be adequately addressed? By monetizing imperative issues we essentially turbocharge the incentives to create solutions. And our economic system is perfectly structured to absorb and effectuate this challenge.

When economic incentives are introduced to objectives – goals get closer and results are improved. Ever offer your kid 10 bucks to get a good grade? It works.

But due to the power this tool can generate, it becomes imperative that it be properly focused. In the past we have seen big problems result when the focus changes from asking business to create solutions to solely focused on creating profits. This has caused some industries to focus on creating profits at the expense of their customers or tax payers. Partly to blame are the short term profit expectations demanded from the investment sector. But also the failure of leadership to open new opportunities. The growing gap between our economic growth and investment expectation is what creates the problem. The 2020plan addresses these issues directly and engages capitalism with laser precision to focus it directly at imperative global issues

We have these amazing opportunities sitting in front of us and this amazing tool parked in our garage – all we have to do is put them together with the right incentives.

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