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If you saw a person you loved heading in the wrong direction wouldn’t you try to show them what they’re doing wrong? And if you had ideas how to fix the problems wouldn’t you share them?

Welcome to the2020plan. It’s a common sense plan that sees a clear new direction for our country and offers the prescription on how to get there.

This plan is not about me. I’m just the voice of the vision and ideas. For the record, my name’s Ron, I’m from New Jersey and I’m a small business owner. Beyond that – all that’s important is the plan.

Here’s what it’s not about: political ideals, extreme views, satisfying donors, hollow talking points, and scapegoats.

Here’s what it is about: common sense, balanced, nonpolitical and no strings attached.

It’s not borne from a: think tank, political party or intellectual vantage point. Its roots are simply common sense.

We acknowledge that by offering a balanced approach to our future we won’t gain any support from the outer edges of either political spectrum. And that’s just fine. We know there’s a lot of frustration trapped below the surface that has no options except through the political extremes. The2020plan bores a shaft right down the middle and gives everyone who wants it – a common sense approach to our future. This plan has no room for distractions. It’s only for people who care more about our future than extreme unreachable ideals.

In learning about the 2020plan you’ll hear diverse ideas embraced such as capitalism and climate change. You’ll hear a lot about sustainable growth and business development. These are not mutually exclusive concepts and in fact when they are properly aligned they open the door to our future.

Think how a battery operates on polar opposite charges. But when properly designed they give us immense power and open unlimited opportunities. The2020 plan does the same.

So if you are unsure if this program’s main focus is on addressing imperative global issues or restructuring our own economy – that is by design. Because it’s both, and they are inherently interconnected.

So first we remove the distractions, then we build the battery and then we turn it on.

We invite you to watch how it happens.

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