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Presumably you have watched many of these segments and have a good understanding of the ideas that comprise the2020plan. Now here comes the disclaimer. You know the part where the guys speaks so fast you can’t understand anything he’s saying.

This one’s a little different. We just want to emphasize that there’s no ownership of these ideas and they’ve been presented with hope that people will adopt them as their own. We have no patents or claims on common sense and we invite everyone to make free use of them.

This plan is offered as a basis for discussion and modification. It leaves a lot of room to be adjusted and altered to one’s personal style or beliefs. So we invite you to put your name on this plan and march it forward. The only requirement we have is that it not be used or manipulated for divisive political purposes.

So in closing we add this final thought, imagine where we’ll be in 10 years with the 2020plan and imagine where we’ll be without it.

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