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The2020plan offers a balanced and common sense plan for our future. Unlike political agendas, this plan has no roots in politics and is offered without strings attached to all Americans who want a clear direction for our country.See how a common sense plan can create a clear direction to a complicated future.

Play below videos to learn more about the2020plan.

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The Vision

The2020plan is based on the vision that our future is permanently connected to the world around us. And that by embracing this reality, we can address imperative global solutions and create a new era for our economy. See how this vision was created and what it needs to survive.

Play below videos to learn more about the2020plan.

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The Plan

See how the2020 plan coverts its vision into reality. By aligning business incentives with our greatest natural resources we can create solutions to imperative world issues. See how it works and who is the biggest winner.

Play below videos to learn more about the2020plan.

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The Tools

We have the most valuable natural resources on the globe. And we’re not talking about things we have to dig out of the earth. We’re talking about our: people, technology, ingenuity and small business. See how the2020plan creates new tools to empower our resources to address the world’s most demanding challenges.

Play below videos to learn more about the2020plan.

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The Economics

Why is Black Friday more important to us than Earth Day? See how our consumption economy is addicting us to the wrong incentives and turning all our citizens into debtors. And see how connecting small business to world opportunities will fundamentally fix our economy for everyone.

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The Impacts

In the 1960’s there was a nationwide draft to get young people to go to war. The2020plan will require the same commitment to get young people to college. See how the2020plan impacts all our domestic programs and geopolitics.

Play below videos to learn more about the2020plan.

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The Fundamentals

These four sectors are the lifeblood of all populations and their demand will double in the next 30 years. We will take the world lead in providing cutting edge innovation to fundamental human needs. Sustainability will be at the core. See how the2020plan makes us the Home Depot to the world in these markets.

Play below videos to learn more about the2020plan.

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The Future

The 2020plan takes what’s great about our country and puts it into a modern perspective. The only missing ingredients are leadership and our support. See what you can do to help turn this vision into reality

Play below videos to learn more about the2020plan.