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The 2020plan makes the pledge that we will become the world leader in providing solutions to the core four categories. These include food and water technologies, renewable energy, healthcare and the environment. These four areas are the lifeblood of all future populations and have been selected because they will never go out of demand. This is what guarantees the permanence of the 2020plan and charts our long term direction. By reducing our economic dependence on depletable natural resources and rapidly changing consumer products, we will now be applying state of the art technologies to fundamental human needs.

We discuss each of these categories in more detail in separate chapters – but here’s an overview.

Consider these facts: The world‘s population grows by about 70 million people per year. In 50 years that’s another 3.5 billion people. Global energy needs will double over this period. It is widely known that current reserves of: coal, natural gas and oil will be widely depleted by then. And basic economics reveal that new deeper sources become increasingly more expensive and problematic to harvest. Renewable energy sources are the only valid long term solutions to global growth.

Food production will need to increase by at least 50% on a cultivatable land mass that is actually shrinking. Currently our food production is much too input-intensive. It is too dependent on: fossil fuels, fertilizers, water and pesticides. If we are going to have enough food – we will need to convert from input intensive agricultural methods to sustainable methods.

All core4 programs will be driven by the principle of sustainability. It may seem counter intuitive but the 2020plan creates a unique partnership between business and the environment to create sustainable solutions. In nature, many animals create unlikely symbiotic relationships that benefit the health and protection of both species. Nature creates change and these relationships symbolize the core dynamic of the 2020plan.

The issues with available fresh water and water management will eclipse many nation’s priorities over the next 50 years. And this basic human need is inextricably linked to how we preserve the environment. Environmental problems take decades to manifest themselves and adequately addressing them is the most essential thing we must do for future generations. There will be hundreds of millions of people who will be displaced by sea level rise. Millions in our own country. And regardless of opinions on the causes of climate change its existence and effects are undeniable.

And healthcare weaves it way throughout all these issues. From supplying basic human needs to life extending innovations. The breath and scope of healthcare on a global scale is almost impossible to measure.

The2020plan changes the perspective on how we perceive these fundamental challenges from giant problems to giant opportunities. It then creates the infrastructure to export our innovative high Tec services to create solutions to these fundamental needs. It’s really just basic business 101: Define the problems, apply available resources and create solutions.

So we have a choice as a nation, we can focus inward and extend the hours of black Friday so we can buy more stuff, or we can focus outward and provide solutions to the world’s most fundamental needs. The real choice becomes – who do we want to be?

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